Definition of Newspaper Column


It is a recurring piece or an article in which the writers give their opinion in few columns allotted to them by a newspaper organisation. Columns are written by columnists.

A vertical division of Newspaper page is also called column. Every newspaper page is divided into seven to eight columns not more then that.


Everyone can write a column but S/he will not be considered as a columnist because a columnist is a person who is registered with a specific newspaper organisation and write for them only. Many columnist write columns on daily basis and their columns are published regularly while some columns are published regular-interval. 

Regular-interval means; published on a specific day like, each monday or it can be each sunday or each thursday.
Sometimes a person who is highly educated can not write a column and sometimes a less educated person can write an amazing column because they are skillful and knows how to write a column.

Types of Column:

- Reporting Indepth column
- Gossip column
- How to do column
- Middle column
- Humourous column
- How to do column
- Question/Answer column
- Sports column
- Opinion column
- Political column
- Letter to editor column


  1. Please explain types of column.Thank you

    1. Sure, why not. Keep visiting my blogger coz soon I'm gonna post/upload/publish types of Column.


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