Brief History of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by Syed Azam Ali Shah

 Brief History of the Present Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:

Our province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has a very long history. In ancient times the region has been invaded by different numerous groups including Aryans, Sikhs, Mughals, Mongols, Greeks, Huns, Kushans, Arabs, Persians, Turks and British etc. The vale of Peshawar was a home to the Kingdom of Gandhara from around 6th century BC. Later, ancient Peshawar became the capital of Kushans empire. This region in ancient times was the main centre of Buddhism and Kanishka, a prominent Kushan ruler was also prominent of the Buddhist kings.

Buddhism remained prominent in the region until the Muslims of Arab and Turks conquered the region before 2nd millennium AD. The present Khyber Pakhtunkhwa becomes the larger Islamic empire including Ghaznavid Empire and the empire of Muhammad of Ghor and was nominally controlled by Delhi Sultanate. It came under Ranjit Singh with his humiliating rule. At that time Barakzai brothers were to rule different parts of the province and that fought with Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi. After Sikhs rule, the area was occupied by the British rulers. A series of conflicts known as Anglo-Afghan wars during the imperialist Great Game between United Kingdom and Russia led to the eventual dismemberment of Afghanistan. The annexation of the region led to the demarcation of the Durand line and administration as part of the British South-Asia.

Durand line is a term for the poorly marked (2,445 km) border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. After fighting in two wars against Afghans the British succeeded in 1893 in imposing the Durand line, dividing Afghanistan what was then British India.

Our land is named as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the British rulers gave this name to our beloved territory because it locates in North-west of Indian subcontinent. A province is named keeping in view its culture, inhabitants, history monument and language etc. Its old name is "Pakhtunkhwa" or "Rohistan". This word "Pakhtunkhwa" was used first by Ahmed Shah Abdali, a prominent ruler of Afghanistan, in his poetry. Before the start of the 20th century it was the part of the Punjab Province. In 1901, its five settled districts and adjacent tribal areas were detached from Punjab and were given the status of province, but was Chief Commissioner's province. In 1930, it was given the status of governer's province with its own Government.


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