Principles of Journalistic language

 Principles of Journalistic language:

We will discuss the principle of Journalistic language and the most important principle in journalistic language is known as "Principle of K.I.S.S".

Principle of K.I.S.S:

A slogen used sometimes in the training of Journalists, meaning both "keep it short, simple" and "keep it short, stupid". The point is to emphasize trainee journalists to the primacy of clear and uncluttered communication.
In other words it is known as "comprehension" meaning; to make it understandable.

There are three levels of audience in Journalism which are explained below.

Levels of Audience:

1- Highly educated people/elite class
2- Educated or less educated
3- Illiterate/uneducated

So, as a journalist it is your duty, responsibility and quality to use journalistic language to make understand the audience of third level, that is illiterate or uneducated.

- Always try to use brief/precise language
- Don't use ambiguous words
- Don't use phrases
- Don't use jargons/terminology
- Don't use words with dual meanings

Unfortunately, journalists nowadays are only addressing the specific group of audience.

Literature and Journalistic language:

Literature and Journalistic language are not same at all because literature contains deep words which are mostly dual meaning, ambiguous, and are not simple and precise. It also contains phrases. But journalistic language should be simple, precise, brief and easy to understand.

If you analyze;
When a person of literature observes an event so definitely S/he will write either drama, fiction, poetry, film, or novel.

But when a journalist observes an event so definitely S/he will write either news, column and feature that is related to Journalism.


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